HLT has continuously been retained to undertake jurisdiction wide and site specific gaming market assessments for a variety of purposes including general business planning, strategy development, financing and investment decisions and asset management.
For one provincial client that contains over 20 gaming facilities that generates over $1.0 billion in gaming win, we completed a strategic assessment of its gaming market to assess the current performance of existing facilities (market penetration) and to identify current and near-term growth opportunities for new and/or expanded gaming facilities. To complete this comprehensive assignment, we created a custom gaming market assessment model that incorporated extensive multi-year player card data (over 4.0 million data points per year), utilized extensive market/facility comparison benchmarks, considered existing supply base factors (i.e. location, size and scope of facilities, performance of gaming devices, etc.) and factored in multiple socio-demographic variables (i.e. current and future adult population counts and age structure, income and ethnicity, etc.). The model framework also included the delineation of over 100 sub-market areas that were assessed from both a “customer” and “facility” perspective.
This market-wide viewpoint (based on complete player card data from all market area facilities) has provided HLT with a unique appreciation of market dynamics (i.e. gaming supply and demand factors) that can be applied to various market conditions.